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U.S. Patent No. US7222687

Restriction #1: THIS AUCTION IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC. Participation (bidding) in this auction is only available to parties who have been invited by TerraCaptus to participate in this auction, and who have registered in advance of the auction.

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  • Patent Document:
  • Patent or App. No.:
  • Seller:
  • Abstract:
  • US7222687: Download Patent (.PDF)
  • 7222687
  • John Deere
  • US7222687:A hood for an off road work vehicle includes a thermoformed polymer outer top panel having a smooth outer surface, a thermoformed inner panel, the inner panel having laterally extending corrugations, and a pattern of adhesive arranged between the inner and outer top panels. The inner and outer top panels are secured together by the pattern of adhesive, the pattern of adhesive comprising non-linear longitudinally extending regions spaced apart and straddling a longitudinal centerline of the inner top panel. The non-linear regions can be undulating or zigzag regions.
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